Using the ROUND Functions in Microsoft Excel

Rounding numbers in Excel can simplify data presentation and ensure accuracy in your calculations. Here’s how to use the four key rounding functions effectively: ROUND, ROUNDUP, ROUNDDOWN, and MROUND.
1. The ROUND Function
The ROUND function rounds numbers up or down based on standard rounding rules.
excelCopyEditROUND(number, digits)
- number: The value or cell reference to round.
- digits: Specifies the number of decimal places or positions to round to:
- >0: Rounds to the specified number of decimal places.
- =0: Rounds to the nearest integer.
- <0: Rounds to positions to the left of the decimal point.
- Round 5.6789 to two decimal places:excelCopyEdit
=ROUND(5.6789, 2) → Result: 5.68
- Round 45.67 to the nearest integer:excelCopyEdit
=ROUND(45.67, 0) → Result: 46
- Round 1234.56 three places to the left of the decimal:excelCopyEdit
=ROUND(1234.56, -3) → Result: 1000
2. The ROUNDUP Function
The ROUNDUP function always rounds numbers upward, regardless of their value.
excelCopyEditROUNDUP(number, digits)
The behavior of the digits argument is the same as in ROUND.
- Round 7.234 upward to two decimal places:excelCopyEdit
=ROUNDUP(7.234, 2) → Result: 7.24
- Round 24.5 upward to the nearest integer:excelCopyEdit
=ROUNDUP(24.5, 0) → Result: 25
- Round the value in cell A1 upward three places to the left of the decimal:excelCopyEdit
=ROUNDUP(A1, -3)
3. The ROUNDDOWN Function
The ROUNDDOWN function always rounds numbers downward, regardless of their value.
excelCopyEditROUNDDOWN(number, digits)
The digits argument behaves the same as in ROUND.
- Round 8.765 downward to two decimal places:excelCopyEdit
=ROUNDDOWN(8.765, 2) → Result: 8.76
- Round 52.9 downward to the nearest integer:excelCopyEdit
=ROUNDDOWN(52.9, 0) → Result: 52
- Round the value in cell A1 downward three places to the left of the decimal:excelCopyEdit
4. The MROUND Function
The MROUND function rounds numbers to the nearest specified multiple.
excelCopyEditMROUND(number, multiple)
- number: The value or cell reference to round.
- multiple: The multiple to round to (must have the same sign as the number).
- Round 14 to the nearest multiple of 5:excelCopyEdit
=MROUND(14, 5) → Result: 15
- Round -23 to the nearest multiple of -4:excelCopyEdit
=MROUND(-23, -4) → Result: -24
- Round the value in cell A1 to the nearest multiple of 10:excelCopyEdit
=MROUND(A1, 10)
When to Use Each Function
- ROUND: General rounding to a specific number of digits.
- ROUNDUP: Ensure numbers are always rounded upward.
- ROUNDDOWN: Ensure numbers are always rounded downward.
- MROUND: Round numbers to a multiple for financial or mathematical applications.
These functions simplify rounding, helping you focus on analysis rather than manual adjustments!