How to Identify and Highlight Duplicate Values in Microsoft Excel

Whether you need to make structural changes or modify data in your Excel workbooks, you’ll first need to unprotect the relevant items. Below, we’ll walk you through the process.
Note: If you protected your workbook or worksheet with a password, you will need that password to unlock it.
Unprotecting a Workbook vs. Unprotecting a Worksheet
- Unprotecting a Workbook allows you to make structural changes, such as adding, deleting, moving, hiding, or renaming worksheets.
- Unprotecting a Worksheet enables you to modify cell content, including adding or removing data.
The method you use depends on whether you need to adjust the workbook’s structure or modify the worksheet’s contents.
How to Unprotect an Excel Workbook
To unlock a workbook and enable structural changes:
- Open your Excel spreadsheet.
- Click the Review tab in the ribbon.
- In the Protect section, select Protect Workbook.
- If no password was set, the workbook will be unprotected immediately.
- If a password was used, enter it in the Unprotect Workbook dialog box and click OK.
Your workbook is now unlocked, and you can freely add, delete, move, hide, or rename worksheets.
How to Unprotect an Excel Worksheet
To unlock a worksheet and allow content modifications:
- Open your Excel spreadsheet.
- Navigate to the Review tab in the ribbon.
- In the Protect section, select Unprotect Sheet.
- If no password was used, the worksheet will be unprotected immediately.
- If a password was set, enter it in the Unprotect Sheet dialog box and click OK.
Your worksheet is now unlocked, allowing you to edit cell content as needed.
By following these steps, you can easily regain full access to your Excel workbooks and worksheets.