How to Convert Formulas to Another Language in Microsoft Excel

If you and your team use different language versions of Microsoft Excel, the Functions Translator can help translate entire formulas or find equivalent functions in another language. Here’s how to install and use this handy add-in.
1. Install the Functions Translator Add-In
The Functions Translator is a free add-in from Microsoft.
Steps to Install:
- Open Excel and go to the Insert tab.
- Click Get Add-ins in the Add-ins section.
- In the Search box, type “Functions Translator”.
- Click Add when you find it in the search results.
- Click Continue to install.
📌 Once installed, a new section called Functions Translator appears on the Home tab.
2. Set Up the Functions Translator
When you open the Functions Translator for the first time:
- A Welcome screen appears on the right panel.
- Choose your default languages (From & To).
- Click Start Working.
Change Language Settings Later:
- Click any Functions Translator button in the ribbon.
- Click the gear icon ⚙️ in the sidebar to open Preferences.
3. Find a Function in Another Language
If you need to look up a function’s equivalent in another language:
Steps to Find a Function:
- Click Reference in the Functions Translator section on the Home tab.
- In the sidebar, select a category from the drop-down list (or choose All).
- Browse the alphabetical list of functions.
- Select a function to see its description in the Dictionary tab.
4. Translate an Entire Formula
The Functions Translator can convert entire Excel formulas into another language.
Steps to Translate a Formula:
- Click Translator in the Functions Translator section on the Home tab.
- In the sidebar, type or paste your formula into the top box.
- Optionally, adjust delimiters (like commas or semicolons).
- Click the translate button (⬇️ arrow) to convert it.
- The translated formula appears in the lower box.
- Click the ⬆️ arrow if you want to reverse the translation.
- To insert the translated formula in a cell:
- Select a cell.
- Click the letters icon next to the translation.
- Optional: Check “Instantly Translate Selected Cell” to automatically translate formulas when selecting a cell.
5. Summary of Features
Feature | Function |
Find a function | Use the Reference tool to look up function equivalents in another language. |
Translate formulas | Convert entire formulas between languages in the Translator tab. |
Instant translation | Enable automatic formula translation in selected cells. |
Why Use the Functions Translator?
✅ Save time when working with multilingual teams.
✅ Easily translate formulas for international spreadsheets.
✅ Improve accuracy when sharing formulas across language versions.
With this tool, collaborating on Excel formulas across different languages has never been easier! 🌎📈