
Converting a Word Document to CSV

Word 2021 - GGKEYS

CSV (Comma Separated Value) files are commonly used for transferring data between applications, as they are simple and compatible with multiple platforms. Here’s a step-by-step guide to converting a Word document containing data into a CSV file.

1. Prepare Your Data in Word

Ensure your data in the Word document is:

  • Comma-separated: Each value is separated by a comma.
  • Line-separated: Each row of data is on a new line.

For example:


Copy code


John Doe,[email protected],1234567890

Jane Smith,[email protected],9876543210

2. Save as a Plain Text File

  1. Open the Word document.
  2. Click the File tab and select Save As.
  3. From the file type options, choose Plain Text (.txt).
  4. Click Save.
  5. You might see a warning about losing formatting or images. Confirm by clicking OK.

3. Import the Text File into Excel

  1. Open Microsoft Excel.
  2. Go to the File tab and select Open.
  3. Locate your saved TXT file. (You may need to change the file type filter to Text Files to see it.)
  4. Select the file and click Open.

Use the Text Import Wizard:

  1. In the first window, select the Delimited option and click Next.
  2. In the second window, select Comma as the delimiter. The preview will show your data arranged in columns. Click Next.
  3. In the final window, choose the column format (leave it as General unless specific formats are needed). Click Finish.

Your data is now neatly organized in Excel.

4. Save as a CSV File

  1. Click the File tab and select Save As.
  2. In the Save as type dropdown, choose one of the following CSV options:
    • CSV UTF-8: A versatile format supporting special characters.
    • CSV (Macintosh): Optimized for Mac systems.
    • CSV (MS-DOS): Compatible with Windows systems.
  3. Click Save to finalize your CSV file.

Your Word file is now successfully converted to a CSV file and ready for use in other applications!

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